Word For Mac Crashes
Word For Mac Crashes Rating: 8,8/10 7524 reviews
Unclear whether Microsoft or Apple is at fault for irregular crashes of Outlook, Excel and Word.
Quicktime player download for mac 10.12.3. I experience the same problem which didn't start occuring until I upgraded to EndNote 7. I am running OSx 10.9, Word 2011 14.3.8, and EndNote 7 on a Mac Book Pro. The save-document crash occurs consistently, regardless of whether I am actually using CWYW in the particular Word document. The Word crash report says there is an unknown error in accessing Visual Basic. Very annoying: making me upgrade to a funky release. I wouldn't have upgraded, except that EndNote 5 stopped working with OSx 10.9 Maverick. Please advise.
- вторник 27 ноября
- 24