Ms Office Autentication Failed For Gmail On Mac

Ms Office Autentication Failed For Gmail On Mac

Ms Office Autentication Failed For Gmail On Mac Rating: 5,6/10 7328 reviews

Select Basic authentication and enter the Office 365 username and password that will gateway will to authenticate with Office 365. The user name must be a fully qualified (ex: valid Office 365 user licensed for Exchange.

After recently updating an Office 365 federated domain from AD FS 2.0 to AD FS 3.0 (new servers, new FQDN for AD FS, the works!) we ran into some clients that couldn’t sign in to some applications through our Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform relying party in AD FS. The clients and their locations were random and included everything from the to OneDrive on. Your best hope when a client gets an error is that it’s not something generic like “An error occurred. Contact your administrator”. AD FS can provide helpful errors like “Unknown Auth method” or “An error has occurred, invalid SAML token”. In this particular case, all we were getting was: Drat.

When it was just the Yammer Desktop Notifier that was failing for some clients, I was a little stumped. The logs in AD FS presented as thought the clients only supported anonymous authentication and for some reason the passive fallback to Forms authentication was failing. It was when we noticed OneDrive clients failing to authenticate (and only when on an internal network segment) that some lights started going off. Microsoft happens to have the wonderfully titled which offers up the fix.

Users can’t sign in if the tenant uses AD FS and forms-based authentication is turned off on the AD FS server. They receive the following error message: An error occurred An error occurred. Contact your administrator for more information.

Error details Activity ID: 000-0000-c32d-5e Relying party: Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform Error time: Cookie: enabled User agent string: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36 In certain AD FS configurations, the administrator may not have forms-based authentication enabled on the AD FS server. This prevents Mac clients from logging in as required by the authentication process. It turns out that it not only prevents Mac clients from signing in, but also Windows clients like the Yammer Desktop Notifier. The fix is pretty easy. Just enable Forms Authentication in your Intranet zone for the Global Authentication Policy. Once that’s complete, go and test your clients on an internal network segment and they should be able to authenticate without error.

Greetings, I'm having problem sending email notifications to an SMTP relay with authentication. Hi, according to guidelines given by the support, I found another way to configure it with Office365. • Determine Office 365 SMTP Server Settings* • Login in to the Microsoft Online Services Portal; • Click on Outlook; • Click Options (upper right corner) • Click on About • There will be a section titled External SMTP setting that looks like: • Server name: (your’s may be different) • Port: 587 • Encryption method: TLS • Install and Configure Windows Server 2008 SMTP Relay • Add the SMTP Server feature. (You can install same server on PRTG Core Server) (Start->Administrative Tools->Server Manager->Features->Add Features->SMTP Server). The Add features wizard bring up the Select Role Services for the Web Server (IIS) role.

Select the IIS Management Console role service. You’ll need this for step 2. In some older versions of Windows Server the SMTP Server function is included with the Web Server (IIS) role. For that case, make sure to include the IIS Management Console and IIS 6 Management Console features. • If this server doesn’t have a certificate already installed, you will need to install one. Office 365 requires TLS encryption and for this server to use TLS, it must have a certificate installed.

2600 emulator mac. To create the self-signed certificate: (Start->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager->Select Host->Server Certificates->Create Self-Signed Certificate) • Enable SMTP Server. (Server Manager->Features-> Enable SMTP Server) • Now it’s time to actually configure the SMTP Relay for Office 365. Start->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager. • Click on the ‘+’ next to your host name. • Right-click on the [SMTP Virtual Server] and select Properties. It’s now time to step through each of the tabs to configure the SMTP relay. • General Tab: The IP address should be set to (All Unassigned).

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